Tom Buchanan: Feature

South African contemporary photography, portraits and landscapes, film stills in tv's in contrasting landscapes, Tom BuchananSouth African contemporary photography, portraits and landscapes, film stills in tv's in contrasting landscapes, Tom BuchananSouth African contemporary photography, portraits and landscapes, film stills in tv's in contrasting landscapes, Tom BuchananClick to enlarge

Though South African photographer Tom Buchanan shoots commercial work, his preferred personal work tends towards conceptual photographic portraits that usually incorporate people into landscape settings. This preference is evident in his series titled “Feature”, however the ‘people’ have been replaced with famous film stills of famous film stars as the portraits contained within television screens. There is a noir-ish humor in dropping these familiar images into the odd contexts.

Buchanan carried the TV around the country finding locations familiar to the viewer but alien to the characters in the beaming screens. Love it.

via one small seed

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