Knog: Bicycle Locks

Bicycle Locks, Silicone, Industrial DesignBicycle Locks and accessories, Product designOn a walk through Tribeca yesterday afternoon, here in NYC, the three of us wandered over to Adeline Adeline – as their tag line states: “a very nice bicycle shop” – in search of this bicycle helmet. Though we left empty-handed, we fell in love with these Knog bicycle locks. It may be hard to appreciate how nice these colorful silicone locks are from the photos but, trust us, in person, they’re beautiful design objects. There are different thicknesses and prices, but they’re all really nice. The U-lock on the bottom right is due out in November and we did not actually see that one, but I’m liking the look of it on their site.

Knog is an Australian company that sells all kinds of bike accessories. The lights seem to be very popular, based on my google search of Knog. You can check it all out here.

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