Emily Eveleth: Donut Paintings

contemporary oil paintings of donuts, sensual, jelly donuts, doughnuts, Eveleth, collabcubed contemporary oil paintings of donuts, sensual, jelly donuts, doughnuts, Eveleth, collabcubed contemporary oil paintings of donuts, sensual, jelly donuts, doughnuts, Eveleth, collabcubed A few years back, a friend of mine printed out one of Emily Eveleth’s beautiful oil paintings of a jelly donut and had it hanging by her desk. That was the first time I saw any of Eveleth’s paintings. She has been painting jelly donuts for two decades and the results, I think, are quite spectacular.

In an interview in the Boston Globe by Sebastian Smee, Eveleth responds to the question: “Why donuts?”

“What I immediately found compelling . . . was the appeal of the irony in presenting, in a seriously and formally painted manner and on a monumental scale, an object that was at once so ubiquitous, so ordinary, so everyday. The object of my paintings, is not necessarily the subject. But I do like that it keeps coming back to the object. I’m not trying to negate that.’’

Clearly, the donuts are left open to interpretation: some may see just donuts; others landscapes with boulders; and still others, erotic close-ups of bodily orifices. Regardless, Eveleth’s technique and mastery of oil painting, as well as the luminescence she creates, are there no matter how the viewer interprets them. I imagine that if John Singer Sargent had painted donuts, they might have looked a lot like these.

You can see more of Emily Eveleth’s painting and drawings at her website.

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