Mr. Dictator Head Series: Stephen Ives

Saddam Hussain, Mr. Potato Head, Dictators, Sculpture, Australian Contmporary ArtStalin, Mr. Potato Head, Dictators, Sculpture, Australian Contmporary ArtKim Jong, Mr. Potato Head, Dictators, Sculpture, Australian Contemporary ArtAmin, Lenin, Hitler, Mr. Potato Head, Dictators, Sculpture, Australian Contemporary ArtThis post was created, coincidentally, before learning of Kim Jong Il’s death, earlier today. It seems particularly fitting, then, (if maybe a bit distasteful) to post it now.

Stephen Ives is an English-born, Australian artist who works in 2D as well as 3D. His work is about contrast and balance and the juxtaposition of the two. His ideas derive from a mix of experiential, mental, historical and cultural concepts constructed from toys, scrap, junk and bought materials which are collected, cut, morphed and distorted to create a whole. His Mr. Dictator Head Series needs no explanation unless, of course, one is not familiar with the Mr. Potato Head toy.

From top to bottom, left to right:
Saddam Hussein; Stalin; Kim Jong Il; Idi Amin; Lenin; the skull base; Margaret Thatcher; Adolf Hitler.

via Saatchi

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