Icy & Sot: Street Art from Iran

Graffiti, street art, stencil art, Iran, political, war, icy and sot, collabcubed
Graffiti, street art in Iran, war art, stencil, icy and sot, collabcubed
Graffiti, street art, stencil art, Iran, political, war, icy and sot, collabcubedGraffiti, street art, stencil art, Iran, political, war, icy and sot, collabcubedClick to enlarge

The two street artist brothers Icy and Sot from Tabriz, Iran, create stencil art and graffiti about peace, war, love, hate, despair, human rights, children and Iranian culture.

You can see much more of their work on their website and flickr including this uncharacteristic large-scale Coke can.

via artinfo

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