Keith Sonnier: Light Installations + Sculptures

Light sculptures, installations, lumen, architecture, collabcubedLight sculptures, installations, lumen, architecture, collabcubedLight sculptures, installations, lumen, architecture, collabcubedClick to enlarge.

Originally from Louisiana, Keith Sonnier has been working with fluorescent light bulbs and neon since the late 1960s. He has many series of light sculptures with different names such as ‘Ba-O-Ba’,  ‘Sel’, ‘Blatt’ and ‘Chandelier’ each with its own distinctive style and twist. Some more minimalist and geometric, while others busier and loopy.

In addition to his extensive sculptural work, Sonnier has created many installations over the years in public spaces including working with architects such as Morphosis on the Caltrans headquarters building in Los Angeles, an installation in the Lever House, and others in various airports.

Quite the body of beautiful work.

Photos courtesy of Keith Sonnier, Mary Boone GalleryNational Gallery of Australia and the Ace Gallery. All of which are sites where you can see more of Sonnier’s work.

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