Eddi Prabandono

Crazy Vespa Sculpture, Eddi Prabandono, After Party 3, Contemporary Indonesian ArtCrazy Vespa Sculpture, Eddi Prabandono, After Party 3, Contemporary Indonesian ArtCrazy Vespa Sculpture, Eddi Prabandono, After Party 3, Contemporary Indonesian ArtClick to enlarge

Indonesian artist Eddi Prabandono is probably most known for his giant sculpture made with 25 tons of special clay of his daughter Luz’s head for the 2011 edition of the art exhibition Jog Art, known as the “Luz Series”. However, other works include smaller scale sculptures often made with shovels, bicycles, skateboards, and more recently a multi-looped vespa at Art Stage Singapore.

If you like Prabandono’s cycle sculptures you might also enjoy Patricia Piccinini’s Vespa art, and Sergio Garcia’s trikes.

Photos courtesy ArtAsiaPacific; Reuters/Dwl Oblo; and Eddi Prabandono’s facebook page.

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